Oo Syak Gee Lu Society 2013 Scholarships

2013 Oo Syak Gee Lu Society Scholarship Winners

The Annual Scholarship Awards dinner was held on July 6, 2013 at the Mandalay Restaurant, Alakea Street. The Oo Syak Board of Directors met with the scholarship recipients, parents and grandparents.

In it's 14th year, Oo Syak Gee Lu Society awarded $1,000 scholarships to Alexis Rae Mei Lin Chang, Bryston Yau Nung Chang, Nicole Chang, and Robin Chang.

Here are photos of 2013 Oo Syak Gee Lu scholarship winners, Alexis Chang, Bryston Chang, and Robin Chang's grandmother Loretta Chang. Nicole Chang and Robin Chang live on the mainland.

Scholarship recipients, L-R: Loretta Chang (grandmother of Robin Chang), Bryston Chang, and Alexis Chang.

L-R: Darnette Narvez, Alexis Chang, and Hubert Chang.

L-R: Mom, Bryston, and Dad Dr. Hubert Chang.

The fish dish.

Scholarship Committee members and Scholarship recipients, L-R: Hubert Chang, Jamie Chang, Jocelin Chang Chuck, Loretta Chang, Bryston Chang, Alexis Chang, Ellen Chang, Edith Won, and Ed Chang. Not present: Millie Ai-Chang and Gwen Fu.

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